Saturday 12 April 2008

Still hunting

Well, April has arrived and I'm still unemployed. I'm still doing some work in the lab where I did my PhD, helping out a student and brushing up on some lab skills I haven't touched in years. So I'm not wasting my time, in the academic career development sense, imho, but I'm not getting further ahead or even treading water convincingly in the monetary sense. I do feel dedicated to the path though, and quite positive still (surprisingly?)

I interviewed last week for a position in the US, the interview was over Skype. This was a bit bizarre - the lack of eye contact that comes with internet chats is a bit worrying in an interview. I wasn't bothered that my interviewer was looking off into space, but I was concerned that he might unconsciously find me lacking in eye contact. So I tried to keep my eyes trained on the camera as much as possible, but that's a bit odd too, staring at a little black circle. I hope I didn't look cross-eyed... not that there is anything wrong with that! I think the interview went well in any case, and he said he'd get back to me in the next week.

I've dropped my fleeting scheme to pursue a career in science journalism for the moment. I will try and post things here if I have anything interesting (?) to say, but otherwise I think I need to focus on the ball, which means getting a postdoc and finishing my papers. So yes, hmm, time to get this job off for cool-job at university x in country x, tonight I will be productive!

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